Excerpt: Virtually Impossible

Excerpt: Virtually Impossible

Book 2: Once & Forever Series

Once upon a time there was a woman who made the mistake of trusting the wrong man. And that mistake led to another. And another and another, each more damaging than the last. But the woman was as ignorant of her mistakes as she was of the damage they caused. Until the day she was punished for them. But because all knew she'd acted out of youth and naiveté, imagined love and true stupidity, her punishment was not grave.

However the woman believed she had not paid enough for what she'd done and how stupid she had been. So the punishment she gave herself was far, far more severe.

She locked herself behind glass, only coming out from behind it when she was forced to, which wasn't often. And the longer she stayed behind the glass, the safer she felt until she didn't see it as a prison at all. Until she loved it for its beauty and depended on it for its clarity.

For you see, her cage was made from mirrored glass and the mirror faced out, so the woman never had to look at her own reflection. And when she looked at the world beyond the glass things were clear and simple and fair for she was not part of the world but separate from it. And from behind the glass, there was nothing hidden from her and everything to hide behind.

Day after day she toiled, working hard to repay the wrong she'd unwittingly done and the people she'd unwittingly hurt. And thus she was so focused that she didn't know how the glass pressed in on her, how hard it became for her to breathe. And when she finally did realize, it didn't matter anymore for she believed the tiny box was what she justly deserved for believing the lies told to her. So of her own volition, she remained behind the glass, knowing that one day she would have no more mistakes to make, no one left to hurt, no more sins to pay for, and no more air to breathe.