Jekyll, an Urban Fantasy has been released!


 Jekyll, an Urban Fantasy (Hyde, Book II) is out on kindle!

 And also on Nook!

That was the good news. The not-as-good news is that as of 8am on 12/28/12, Jekyll is only available on Amazon and B&N. I'm sure the kind folks at the other major retailers are working their damnedest to get it out. But this is a very busy time of year for them, and a ton of authors are releasing new books. I will be posting on Facebook and here just as soon as I see the book go up on iTunes, Smashwords, and the others. Thank you so much for your patience!

And thank you all for being so amazingly supportive and encouraging.
Sure, some of it was borderline nagging. Wink

But I truly appreciate your excitement for the next installment of Mitch and Eden's story.

I hope you love the book! Happy New Year and happy reading!
