MIND-BLOWN in the darkness

This has nothing to do with books or writing, but I had to share. Everyone should try this once. Seriously.

I'm sending my boy-child off to sleep away summer camp for a week. Normally my girl-child and I go camping with him, so this will be the first time he's going it alone. He's thrilled. I'm still trying to understand why he doesn't want his mom to be with him 24/7. He probably just needs to get away from his little sis for awhile and is actually really sad about leaving me. He just hides it well.

One thing we discovered last year that is pretty much the coolest thing I've ever seen is what happens when you chew Wint-O-Green Life Savers in complete darkness.

They spark! In your mouth!!!

Seriously, you have to try it. It is mind-blowing. Make sure you buy the filled-with-sugar kind and don't get spearmint. In as close as you can get to complete black, crunch the Life Savers with your mouth open. Don't worry: it's dark, so no one will be grossed out by your horrible manners. But they will be totally impressed by the magic in your mouth.light-up-lifesavers-300

This year we decided to look up the science behind it, but there's something to be said about just enjoying the magic. Your choice about the magic/science, but you HAVE to try the trick.
