OMG - Summer Rains has an audio book!

After much screaming, nail biting, and general moodiness, I can finally hold my very first audio book in my arms!

As a writer, I know what my characters' voices sound like (they won't shut up most of the time) so it was really difficult to find the right person to bring Summer Rains to life. But from the second I heard Maya Tremblay's voice, I knew she would do an incredible job. I was completely right. Maya is seriously hysterical and makes the audio book really special.

The audio book is currently available on Audible (one month free trial, folks!) so go check it out here:


No Experience Required on Audible

2013-11-26 12.57.20The audio book will be available on Amazon and iTunes really soon.


Next up…Hyde, the entire series. All I have to do is find just the right deep, grumbly, naughty voice that can do justice to Mitch's shy, gentlemanly personality. Yeah, riiiight.