Hyde, Book III

A lot of people have been asking me when they can expect Book III to be released. You know I'm not one for giving spoilers. I like unpredictability, and I love surprises. So here's what I can tell you…

The third book of Hyde is tentatively titled:

Strange Case

I'm hard at work on it and plan to have it out this summer. As you know, this story is complex, and all the pieces need to be set just right to make them fit. Believe me, I tried using a hammer, but it didn't work. :) So please be patient with me while I squeeze it all together.

Mitch and Eden have gone through a lot to get to this point. And they have a lot more to figure out before they can have their HEA (happily ever after). I know someone out there just screamed, “What?!? An HEA?” Of course. After all they've been through, all they've had taken from them, I can't leave them hanging. Nor can I leave you hanging…for too much longer. Ha.

If you sign up for my newsletter, you'll be notified of Strange Case's release, my other releases, and any big news I need to share. But I'm not into spam, so I'll only be sending them out if the news is BIG. Add it to your Goodreads TBR list. If you friend me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter, you'll be able to see updates as release day approaches.

Thank you for your kind words and support. I can't express how wonderful it is to know you are so anxious to see more of Mitch and Eden's story. All I ask of you is a little bit more patience.

Thanks again, and happy reading!

I'm giving away five print books!

Hey, everyone! Are you interested in winning a signed print copy of both Hyde and Jekyll? Or perhaps you're in the mood to read something lighter, like No Experience Required?

Click on the title or book cover to enter the giveaways I'm having on Goodreads.
The giveaways both end on January 29th, so hurry! Up for grabs:

It's a two-fer:
Hyde, an Urban Fantasy
& Jekyll, an Urban Fantasy

Hyde, an Urban Fantasy



Three copies of
No Experience Required (a Summer Rains Novel)


Good luck, everyone! And thanks so much for your support and kindness!

Happy New Year!

2012 was a phenomenal year for me. I released four frigging books! But it's so much more than just reaching a goal or living within a dream come true.

I've met people who have supported me, helped me, and made me cry from laughter. People I would never have met without jumping off the cliff. And I am so incredibly grateful.

Thank you to those who pushed me off, to those who fell with me, and to those whose hands caught me before my head smashed onto the ground. Thank you.

I can't wait to see what 2013 brings. Here's to hoping that all of you step off the cliff of your choosing and realize your own dreams. Do it. We'll be there to catch you.

Happy New Year! *hugs*

Jekyll, an Urban Fantasy has been released!


 Jekyll, an Urban Fantasy (Hyde, Book II) is out on kindle!

 And also on Nook!

That was the good news. The not-as-good news is that as of 8am on 12/28/12, Jekyll is only available on Amazon and B&N. I'm sure the kind folks at the other major retailers are working their damnedest to get it out. But this is a very busy time of year for them, and a ton of authors are releasing new books. I will be posting on Facebook and here just as soon as I see the book go up on iTunes, Smashwords, and the others. Thank you so much for your patience!

And thank you all for being so amazingly supportive and encouraging.
Sure, some of it was borderline nagging. Wink

But I truly appreciate your excitement for the next installment of Mitch and Eden's story.

I hope you love the book! Happy New Year and happy reading!





Jekyll's Got a Cover!

My good friend and critique partner, Olivia Rivers (look for her paranormal YA novel Frost Fire, coming soon, and add it to your TBR list on goodreads now) has truly outdone herself this time.

Backstory: Long, long ago, at our writer’s group meeting, I pitched the concept for Hyde, an Urban Fantasy to the group. I have no idea what I said, but it probably didn’t make a lot of sense since the story was only partially written at that point. Not to mention that I tend to ramble…like I’m doing now. Anyway…

The following week, Olivia shyly handed me a piece of thick photo paper. Having no idea what it was, I flipped it over and was struck dumb. Dumb-du-du-dumb.

The most gloriously perfect cover stared back at me. Somehow Olivia had been able to turn my confusing explanation of the story into the most exquisitely symbolic cover. No other design was ever considered. Ultimately, the final cover had to be reformed using  other stock images and fonts, but the design was as close to her original as humanly possible.

And now, I get to show you the cover she created for Jekyll. Ooooh, I love it. IMO, it’s even better than Hyde’s, which I would’ve never thought possible. So here it is:




Perfect, right?

I have to shout out a HUGE thank you to Olivia for all of her hard work and her incredible vision. And then I need to shout, “Now, get to work on the cover for book three!” before she realizes she has other things that need doing.

Isn’t it gorgeous? Please let her know how much you enjoy her work by leaving a comment in the box below.