Strange Case Snippet #2 & update

In Strange Case (Hyde Book III), Landon plays a very large role. So I thought it was fitting that the next short excerpt I post would be from his point of view. I adore Landon. He's a complicated man but is loyal and honest and puts up with a lot of shit from both Mitch and Eden. The Clinic (directly or indirectly) has taken everything away from him–his girlfriend, Tara, his career, his pride. Until the only thing he has left is the friendship he's built with two people who have some serious issues.

Recently someone asked me who is the series's main character. In my mind, there is no true main character, no one person we continue to follow and watch grow. There are the two main characters–Mitch and Eden–and one incredibly supportive character–Landon. All three of them have to accept themselves, each other, and their transformations as Abnormals and as people.

So here's a moment with Landon:

Were Eden and Turner his family? Yeah, they were. Landon imagined the Christmas card they could send out this year. He and Eden standing a foot apart in front of the cage, smiling uncomfortably, with Hyde growling at the camera through the bars. Nice. Unless they could figure out a way to bring Turner back. Then the Christmas pic could be of the two of them, their arms wrapped tightly around each other with Landon two feet away, his arms wrapped around nothing. Equally as nice.

Equally as painful.

Landon would never resent their happiness. He'd be thrilled to have the asshole back and would do almost anything to make sure he and Eden had a chance to be happy. But seeing them together had always been bittersweet, leaving him with the dull ache of envy. A reminder of what he didn’t have. Not since his ability to love died when his love did. Tara. Her memory brought a different kind of ache, indescribable longing. He hadn’t had much time with her and then she was gone. So he’d never know if they could have made it together. If he was everything she needed. If they could share something like Eden and Turner did.

Landon was ashamed for not being there when she died, to prevent it from happening. He was ashamed for doubting what they had. Sure, he’d said the words, but looking back on it, he wondered if it was love or a younger, and far more naive, man’s desire to be someone’s hero. A desire he didn’t fulfill.

A failure he was still paying for.

 * * * * *

In Strange Case, everyone's limits will be tested. Morality and ethics will be weighed against getting shit done. Desperation is not a good look for anyone and can make people do things they wouldn't normally think themselves capable of. And returning from death can be a big fucking wake-up call, especially when those you love have been dealing with all the crap you left behind.

The book is almost ready for release. But unfortunately, due to a few hiccups, I won't be able to have it out this month as I'd wanted. As soon as I know the release date, I will let you know. Thank you so much for your support and patience with this series.

Oh, one more thing. I had to cut a long scene out of the book, but will be sending it to everyone on my mailing list as soon as the book is released. So sign up for it on the sidebar. But you must promise not to read the scene before you read the book 'cause that's not right. ;) And just to let you know, the scene has Mitch being oh-so-Mitch-like in the worst possible way and, yes, clothes do come off.

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jo jo x
jo jo x
10 years ago

Ahhh this is going to be awesome … can’t wait!! =)

Colleen Marie
Colleen Marie
10 years ago

I’m really looking forward to the release of STRANGE CASE. Is it the final book in the series? I’m considering rereading the first two books……before STRANGE CASE. I love that sense of continuity. Thank you for the snippet and offer for sending out the deleted scene. I promise not to read it and am actually good about snooping ahead of time. I like to know how things unfurl……naturally and as they are meant to happen. I promise to review on Amazon, as well. On there my reviews are under the name ‘Skeletor-Vixen’.

Colleen Marie
Colleen Marie
10 years ago
Reply to  Lauren Stewart

I’m glad it’s stopping at the ‘trilogy’ level – for Eden and Mitch, anyway. I’m excited…..very much so, and may reread the first two books before the third is out… all in order and one after another! I know…..what an original idea. I love long reads…….and continuity. Thanks for the reply. Take care and don’t work/write…….too hard. Colleen

10 years ago

Waiting with bated breath for this release. I. can.not.wait!